Welcome to Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt

Rayonex Biomedical represents the cause-oriented treatment approach of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt – named after the company founder and engineer Paul Schmidt.

Only a few people were able to change the world like Paul Schmidt did. His ingenious ideas, which resulted in the granting of more than 300 commercial patents, bear witness to his imagination and creativity.

Do you want to change the world with us? Then join us on our journey as a sales partner and contact us now!

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Get in touch with us and let us convince you of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. We will respond to your questions as thoroughly as possible and provide you with information on how best to use our products for you. We look forward to finding you in one or more of the numerous areas of application.

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Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt explained

The treatment is based on one of nature’s principle: Sunlight is the most well-known form of bioresonance. When sunlight comes in contact with our skin, our skin darkens. This is caused by the UV component of sunlight, which has a frequency spectrum in the high terahertz range.

In 1975 the engineer Paul Schmidt discovered that not only the sun’s frequency spectrum, but also other frequency spectra have an effect on the body.

In short, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt is based on stimulating the organism with the aim of supporting self-regulation. It is cause-oriented, universally applicable and has been tried and tested in over 45 countries worldwide.

Rayonex Biomedical GmbH actively researches frequency spectra that are transmitted to the patient during treatment with modern Bioresonance devices – a safe and gentle therapy option, confirmed by clinical studies.

Knowledge transfer takes place regularly in our seminars and webinars. Another source of information is the extensive literature, which among other things with the book “Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt” offers a standard work, which is now in its sixth edition.

The unique combination of German engineering and an understanding of alternative health care is what makes our medical devices so special.

Example of resonance: only when one tuning fork is vibrating at the same natural frequency of a second object forces that second tuning fork into vibrational motion.

Wide range of uses

Healthcare professional


Healthcare professional

Horse, Dog, Cat & more


Applications based on randomized, prospective, double-blind clinical trials. Please click on the elements below to open or close them.

Rayonex Biomedical has conducted several studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt over the last few years. The most meaningful of which is the new clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised & placebo controlled study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome. This study proves that, in the truest sense, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works based on the idea that success comes in waves. The placebo treatment did not achieve any significant improvements with typical symptoms of cervical spine syndrome such as neck pain, headaches, back pain or muscle tension. However, treatment with the Rayocomp Bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters. This scientific study proves to patients and therapists that Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be used safely and effectively. Thus, the results of the study conform what users have been saying for decades: Bioresonance therapy according to Paul Schmidt relieves symptoms and helps give patients a new sense of physical well-being. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
  • "The Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 bioresonance device achieved significant improvements in all objective and subjective parameters compared to the placebo device."
  • "There was no change in the NDI (Neck-Disability-Index) of the placebo group, but a significant improvement in the NDI of the group treated with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
  • "The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
  • "In terms of physical capacity, patients receiving the placebo treatment showed no significant improvement, while patients treated with the Rayocomp bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters."

- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).


Applications based on experience – yet to be proven with randomized, prospective, double-blind clinical trials. Please click on the elements below to open or close them.

In the Rayonex Analysis and Harmonising System (RAH), so-called programs for analysis and harmonisation are employed. These are compilations of frequencies that are not applied individually and sequentially, but as a whole – i.e. as a frequency pattern. The allergy programs were developed for targeted and positive energetic support and the reduction of allergic symptoms, both on the mucous membranes, on the skin and on the respiratory tract, as well as in the digestive tract and other systems. The overall allergy program RAH 35.20 enables energetic support for the vast majority of allergies. In special cases, differentiation can be made using the other allergy programs RAH 35.21 – 35.24. Decades of experience with Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt shows that the support with the Rayonex nutrient concept supports the success of the application. For the Rayonex nutrient concept developed using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - an energetic analysis and therapy system - we found that minerals are optimally supplemented in the alkaline range, while vitamins and trace elements are supplemented in the acidic pH range. Rayobase® with minerals with a pH value above 9.3 and Rayoflora® with important vitamins and trace elements with a pH value below 7 follow this now patented nutrient concept and make it so unique from both a material and an energetic point of view. Especially in combination with the application of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, these two products mentioned can provide optimal support in this area. Even if orthodox medicine has yet to recognise this approach, we not only assess the material attributes of our dietary supplements and cosmetics, but also their energetic and astral characteristics. Using the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt we measure the oscillation patterns of individual raw materials and adapt these to one another and to the human organism. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Regardless of whether atopic dermatitis, psoriasis & co.: the skin is considered the mirror of the soul – a large part of the human immune system is found in the small intestine, but also, above all, in the large intestine. The lymph follicles (large collections of lymphocytes) located there in the mucous membrane have the main task of recognizing and eliminating viruses and bacteria – for example by producing antibodies. In addition to the intestinal flora, allergies, a poor diet or certain foods, climatic & environmental influences and psychological stress can act as triggers or exacerbate an existing skin disease. For the Rayonex nutrient concept, developed using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - an energetic analysis and therapy system - we found that minerals are optimally supplemented in the alkaline range, while vitamins and trace elements are supplemented in the acidic pH range. Rayobase® with minerals with a pH value above 9.3 and Rayoflora® with important vitamins and trace elements with a pH value below 7 follow this now patented nutrient concept and make it so unique from both a material and an energetic point of view. Even if orthodox medicine has yet to recognise this approach, we not only assess the material attributes of our food supplements and cosmetics, but also their energetic and astral characteristics. Using the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt we measure the oscillation patterns of individual raw materials and adapt these to one another and to the human organism. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Even if classical orthodox medicine does not yet accept this approach, desensitisation with Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt purses the goal of making a substance (vaccine) that is currently difficult for the organism to tolerate, tolerable. Applied to an intolerance, this means that the organism is confronted with frequency spectra (the vaccine) that it cannot integrate into its energetics, or which disturb its energetics. Such an energetic disturbance can be caused, for example, by the following additives that may be present in vaccines:
  • Aluminium
  • Formaldehyde
  • Thiomersal
  • Mercury
  • Phenols
  • Protein carriers
Important to know: The actual reaction of the antibody production is not influenced by the desensitisation with the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. You can find out more about this topic in our webinar recording. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
The special advantage of the programs developed by the Japanese Dr. Hamada is that they already contain the optimal compositions required to harmonise female and male infertility problems as well as the symptom the erectile dysfunction. He developed suitable frequency spectra over many years of research and integrated in the so-called "Hamada programs" of the Rayonex Analysis and Harmonising System (RAH). The program cards can be used without prior testing. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Smokers inhale over 4,800 chemicals with each cigarette they smoke. Smoking on an ongoing basis disrupts the functioning of the bronchia and causes what is commonly known as "smoker´s cough“ or chronic bronchitis. Further constriction of the bronchia results in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (in short COPD). If the lungs are permanently burdened with heavy metals and toxins, pulmonary carcinoma or bronchial carcinoma may develop. According to the Cancer Registry at the Robert Koch Institute, approximately 55,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with lung cancer every year, which is primarily triggered by cigarette smoke. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
It is often not only persistent psychovegetative tensions, but also other accompanying symptoms that make a fulfilled, normal life almost impossible. To end the suffering of chronic pain once and for all is probably the wish of every affected person. Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt provides valuable approaches that should be considered on the way back to normality. Rayonex Biomedical has conducted several studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt over the last few years. The most meaningful of which is the new clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised & placebo controlled study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome. This study proves that, in the truest sense, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works based on the idea that success comes in waves. The placebo treatment did not achieve any significant improvements with typical symptoms of cervical spine syndrome such as neck pain, headaches, back pain, shoulder pain, as well as tensions, strength in arms and dizziness. However, treatment with the Rayocomp Bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters! This scientific study proves to patients and therapists that Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be used safely and effectively. Thus, the results of the study conform what users have been saying for decades: Bioresonance therapy according to Paul Schmidt relieves symptoms and helps give patients a new sense of physical well-being:
  • "The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
  • "In terms of physical capacity, patients receiving the placebo treatment showed no significant improvement, while patients treated with the Rayocomp bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters."

- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Fatigue & lack of energy - The demands of modern everyday life also place high demands on intellectual performance. It is physical, mental, but also unconscious oxidative stress in cells, which can lead to a much longer regeneration phase of the organism. Rest and regeneration phases of the organism are a very important part of our life. The average German sleeps 219,000 hours in the course of his life. So we spend a third of our life sleeping! Pulse-modulated radiation from mobile phones, cordless phones or WLAN routers, as well as alternating electric and magnetic fields do not stop at the bedroom. We are often exposed to these fields throughout the day. When examining people or animals exposed to pulse-modulated electric and magnetic alternating fields for a long time with Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, you will always find the same resulting energetic regulation deficits. A lack of vitamins and nutrients can also mean additional stress in this condition. For the Rayonex nutrient concept, developed using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - an energetic analysis and therapy system - we found that minerals are optimally supplemented in the alkaline range, while vitamins and trace elements are supplemented in the acidic pH range. Rayobase® with minerals with a pH value above 9.3 and Rayoflora® with important vitamins and trace elements with a pH value below 7 follow this now patented nutrient concept and make it so unique from both a material and an energetic point of view. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
  • "The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
  • "In terms of physical capacity, patients receiving the placebo treatment showed no significant improvement, while patients treated with the Rayocomp bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters."

- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Often, with a higher degree of severity, unrestricted participation in everyday and professional life is no longer possible without having to take further medication & aids to suppress symptoms and sequelae — a vicious circle! Permanent stress increases cortisol secretion. This also triggers the release of glutamate and calcium. There are many receptors for the sugar metabolism in the cochlea. This can lead to hyperactivity, which can be interpreted by the brain as tinnitus. Compensating for the imbalance of micronutrients could be an approach to alleviating symptoms. A lack of vitamins and nutrients can also mean additional stress in this condition. One possible explanation for dizziness and ear noise is a dysfunction in the cervical spine (cervical spine syndrome). In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
The effects of acidosis in the body are wide-ranging. Acidosis manifests itself as dull, burning pain behind the breastbone, acidic belching, feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen or acid-related stomach problems such as heartburn. If there is too much acid in the stomach, it can overcome the oesophageal sphincter muscle more easily. Not infrequently, this can be a result of psychological stress or a diet with high acidic foods. The consumption of alcohol, smoking and certain medications can lead to acidification. Many medicines can impair the intestinal flora and also promote acidification in this way. For the Rayonex nutrient concept, developed using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - an energetic analysis and therapy system - we found that minerals are optimally supplemented in the alkaline range, while vitamins and trace elements are supplemented in the acidic pH range. Rayobase® with minerals with a pH value above 9.3 and Rayoflora® with important vitamins and trace elements with a pH value below 7 follow this now patented nutrient concept and make it so unique from both a material and an energetic point of view. Even if orthodox medicine has yet to recognise this approach, we not only assess the material attributes of our food supplements and cosmetics, but also their energetic and astral characteristics. Using the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt we measure the oscillation patterns of individual raw materials and adapt these to one another and to the human organism. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
"The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).
Tiredness, exhaustion or fatigue are typical symptoms that indicate a lack of vitality. The demands of modern everyday life also place high demands on intellectual performance. A lack of vitamins and nutrients can also mean additional stress in this condition. Some heavy metals are essential components of our diet. These include zinc, iron, manganese and copper. However, other heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium can damage human health! For the Rayonex nutrient concept, developed using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - an energetic analysis and therapy system - we found that minerals are optimally supplemented in the alkaline range, while vitamins and trace elements are supplemented in the acidic pH range. Rayobase® with minerals with a pH value above 9.3 and Rayoflora® with important vitamins and trace elements with a pH value below 7 follow this now patented nutrient concept and make it so unique from both a material and an energetic point of view. Even if orthodox medicine has yet to recognise this approach, we not only assess the material attributes of our food supplements and cosmetics, but also their energetic and astral characteristics. Using the Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt we measure the oscillation patterns of individual raw materials and adapt these to one another and to the human organism. In its history, which dates back to the year 1982, Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has delivered a large number of studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, for example with the placebo-controlled clinical study on the safe and gentle treatment options for cervical spine syndrome:
  • "The SF-36 parameters of physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning and mental health achieved no significant improvement in patients receiving the placebo treatment. Whereas, all of the parameters showed significant improvements in patients receiving treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device."
  • "In terms of physical capacity, patients receiving the placebo treatment showed no significant improvement, while patients treated with the Rayocomp bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters."

- From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book "Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain" by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).

Does bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt have Side Effects?

The clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised trial shows that Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be a useful therapy for both the mental and physical effects of chronic pain, with no side-effects:

“No undesirable side effects, contraindications or risks were identified.
– From the final clinical report by Dr. Hans Werner Voss, published in the book “Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain” by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH from 2020, published in the German Register of Clinical Studies (BfArM).

The trial “Efficacy Study according to system of devices of Rayonex Biomedical” from the renowned Fraunhofer Institute confirms , that Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt and the RAH meet the requirements of an effective therapy with a low level of side-effects.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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In summary, bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt is based on the stimulation of the organism with the aim of supporting self-regulation. It is cause-oriented, universally applicable and has been tested in over 45 countries worldwide.
It is the unique combination of German engineering and an alternative understanding of health that makes our medical products so special. With partners in 46 countries around the world, your personal support is very important to us. Knowledge transfer takes place regularly in our seminars & webinars, but also via the affiliated alternative practitioner school.
Rayonex Biomedical has been successfully used in practice worldwide for many decades. In the course of time, numerous studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. A particular highlight is the double-blind randomised, placebo-controlled trial on the treatment of chronic pain in the cervical spine syndrome. Many users report convincing experiences in numerous other areas.
On our websites and various platforms, such as Amazon, you can read many testimonials from convinced users from all over the world. Rayonex Biomedical is particularly proud of the numerous good experiences and is encouraged to further develop the products and to achieve an even greater acceptance of bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt through studies.
All our devices are manufactured in our own manufactory in Germany and are therefore "Made In Germany".
  • The Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 is our high-end bioresonance device. The client capability, a large intuitive touch screen and the particularly powerful and fast dipole antenna system are special features. The Rayoscan® is the high-end software module exclusively for the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0. Through a fully automatic, energetic test based on electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis, the therapist is presented with a fully comprehensive, cause-oriented therapy suggestion as a result.
  • Despite its small size, our Rayocomp PS 10 has it all - an integrated powerful battery, the modular design and the highest industry standards; a device lighter and more compact than most laptops.

Studies & scientific works

Bioresonance therapy according to Paul Schmidt - Does it work?
Scientifically proven!

The basis of all our developments is Bioresonance approach according to Paul Schmidt.

Rayonex Biomedical GmbH has conducted several studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt over the last few years. The most meaningful of which is the new clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome. This study proves that, in the truest sense, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works based on the idea that success comes in waves.

Thus, the results of the study confirm what users have been saying for decades:
Bioresonance therapy according to Paul Schmidt relieves symptoms and helps give patients a new sense of physical well-being.

High recommendation rates

„Overall, there were significant differences in how patients answered the question of whether they would recommend the treatment to others. All patients in the Rayocomp group said that they would recommend it, while only around a quarter of patients in the placebo group said the same.“




Number (n) Proportion % Number (n) Proportion %
Therapy recommendation 6 26,1% 24 100,0%
No recommendation of the therapy 17 73,9% 0 0,0%


Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - does it work?
Proven Efficacy

During the course of the development, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt has been able to demonstrate its capabilities time and again in both in-vitro and in-vivo studies.

For example, cell biological studies (i.a. at the Fraunhofer Institute) showed that the cell activity under the influence of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt could be increased by up to 45%. In-vivo studies have also been conducted into a wide range of topics.

Rayonex Biomedical has conducted several studies on Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt over the last few years. The most meaningful of which is the new clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome. This study proves that, in the truest sense, Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works based on the idea that success comes in waves.

Bioresonance therapy device Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0

Our flagship for human and veterinarian application


By means of our selection of diverse, suitable accessory products.

Entry and further training

If you wish, you can also receive a certification that you can also show to your clients.


An intuitively understandable touchscreen display for therapy and work with the client.

Use the 360 degree animation. Rotate the image by clicking on it and moving the mouse left and right.


Multiple profiles can be set up.


For short-term protection in the event of a power failure.


Internet software updates, highest possible and robust quality of all device components used.

Bioresonance therapy device Rayocomp PS 10

Our mobile device for human and veterinarian usage


For uninterrupted therapy and use.


Intuitive operability.


Maximum customisation and low cost.

Use the 360 degree animation. Rotate the image by clicking on it and moving the mouse left and right.


No extensive training in the device necessary.


Highest possible and robust quality of all device components used

Rayocomp PS 10 - perfect for home therapy

Explanation of the Rayocomp PS 10 for home therapy. Start the video by clicking on the preview image!

The Rayoscan® in the veterinary sector

Explanation of the Rayoscan for home therapy. Start the video by clicking on the preview image!

The easy handling speaks for itself!

Please click on the switcher below to switch between the two options.

PS 10 Human


Switch on the device.

Connect the area detector.

Insert the Green-Card, wait briefly.

Remove the Green-Card.

Let's go!


Please click on the switcher below to switch between the two options.

Analysis & Testing


  • Home

    Step 1

    Make an appointment for an analysis.
  • Home

    Step 2

    Findings in a personal briefing.
  • Home

    Step 3

    Performing the Rayoscan®.
  • Home

    Step 4

    Creation of client data.
  • Home

    Step 5

    Creation of the individual therapy plan.
  • Home

    Step 6

    Handover of the written Green-Card.
  • Home

    Step 7

    Taking the device for home therapy with you.

Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt - Experiences, Testimonials & Reviews

Please click on the side arrows or dots below the testimonials to navigate.

Please note that the customer testimonials listed here are based on the personal experiences of our customers and represent their own opinions. The information, advice and solution approaches presented cannot replace a visit to an alternative practitioner or a naturopathic doctor. Furthermore, we would like to point out that classical conventional medicine has neither accepted nor recognized the effect of bioenergetic oscillations.

More from our product world of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt


For location-specific influences such as 5G networks, WLAN, screen radiation and more.

The Rayonex nutrient concept

The holistic supplement concept for human and veterinarian nutrition - based on the principles of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt.


  • Personal support

    Global network of partners.

  • Medical device company

    Established in 1982.

  • Certified

    According to DIN EN ISO 13485: 2016 for the development, production and sale of medical devices.

  • Made in Germany

    CO2-neutral and high-precision with robot support in our own manufactory.

  • Therapy proven worldwide

    Present in 46 countries around the world.

  • Universal

    Application to humans and animals.

  • Cause-oriented

    Treatment approach of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt.

  • Sauerland Pyramids

    Our company buildings are as extraordinary as our products.

Who was Paul Schmidt?

Paul Schmidt was born in the Sauerland area of Germany in 1922. Due to his father’s early death, his childhood was marked by deprivation and the need to improvise. Early on he developed great technical skills, which led to an education in engineering science. As an engineer, he busied himself with the development of agricultural machines, before founding his own enterprise, the Tracto-Technik company. While building up this company he continued his commitment to social and cultural affairs for which he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz (The Federal Cross of Merit of Germany).

It was his social awareness which led him to apply his engineering expertise to the field of alternative medicine, a work which resulted in today’s Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. In 1982 he founded the Rayonex Biomedical GmbH company, in order to develop his concepts of alternative medicine. Until his death on the 2nd of September 1994, Paul Schmidt continued his social commitment. He sketched children’s books, which he provided to kindergartens and schools at no charge.

Manufactory in Germany

In terms of origin, we are locally rooted: Rayonex Biomedical develops all products Made in Germany in Lennestadt in the distinctive Sauerland pyramids, the company’s headquarters.

Manufacturing takes place in the neighbouring Rayonex manufactory – CO2-neutral and highly precise with robot support. Rayonex Biomedical is certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2016 for the development, production and distribution of medical products and is audited annually by TÜV Nord.

Our philosophy

Rayonex Biomedical has set itself the goal of improving the quality of life and well-being of humans and animals worldwide through the positive effects of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, while at the same time creating a new awareness of the effect of frequencies on the organism.

Is it safe? Our Product certifications

Effective proof that a product meets all relevant safety and quality requirements and has the respective required product features – the certifications awarded to us are visible proof for you and serve as a reliable decision-making aid, since in this process we as Rayonex Biomedical and our products are tested by highest recognized independent third parties.

Please click on the logos above to download/view the certficates.

Worldwide network of partners

Rayonex Biomedical, based in Lennestadt (Germany), is an established medical products company since 1982 and currently represented in 46 countries around the world.

Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt in - no matter which country or city you are from: we are pleased to support you.

If you are interested in our products and services or becoming a partner, we are delighted to get in touch with you!


Treatment does not have to be the first step to recovery!
Rather, it is up to us to take the first step towards healing our bodies and staying healthy by eliminating interference fields.
But which holistic test can we apply to find out whether a health burden is caused by electrosmog, geopathic stress zones, bacteria, viruses or parasites?
What about our acid-base balance? Do we have any nutritional deficiencies of minerals, trace elements or other major dietary components?
How can we find out if our primary staple, our water, really meets the quality requirements of our body? As early as 1976, through his discoveries, Paul Schmidt laid the foundation for answering these questions.
The author Dipl-Ing. (TH) Dietmar Heimes, managing director of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH, has been developing and designing Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt since 1994.
The book is aimed at health care practitioners and their patients, as well as individuals who love the holistic and gentle approaches of alternative medicine.

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Please note that the given information, advices and solution approaches are originated from more than 40 years of experience. But they can not replace the consultation of a medical practitioner or a naturopathy orientated doctor.

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